In this blog I will explain Emirates ID reader support all web browsers using Windows Service, before this one I have developed solutions for Old Emirates ID, then upgraded that one to New Emirates ID too, but both of those were based on Google Chrome Extension and were limited to Chrome browser only. But this solution is based on Windows […]
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This blog is about New Emirates ID card reader app for Google Chrome browser using console application and chrome extension. I have written a blog for how to read Emirates ID public data in Google Chrome browser via console app and chrome extension. In October 2021 I received few complaints that some customers are having new version of Emirates ID […]
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In a recent project, I encountered the daunting task of converting a hundred Word files into PDF format. Despite attempting various methods like Node.js scripting, batch files, and shell scripts, none seemed to deliver the seamless solution I sought. It was then that I stumbled upon LibreOffice, a versatile office suite offering powerful capabilities beyond its mainstream alternatives. Upon installing […]
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As a developer, mastering Git is essential for efficient version control and collaboration. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your knowledge, this comprehensive Git commands cheat sheet will be your go-to reference. We’ve organized the commands into different categories, each with a brief explanation, to make your version control journey smoother. Introduction to Git Git is a distributed […]
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In this blog we will learn how to install and Configure Android SDK, I had used cordova before on widows 8 with android build tools, Yesterday I wanted to reconfigure it again on windows 10 but I got a lot of errors. at last I fixed the problems, lets share with you people so that you can install and configure […]
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While developing multilangual web application where you need quick data entry, It hurts data entry operators to switch system input language for each input. Here in this blog we will learn how can we implement Arabic English bilingual inputs jquery plugin in or web application so that users do not need to switch the system input language for each input, […]
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In this article we will learn how to Generate bulk barcode in Excel within few steps. Normally there are many websites which give option to generate barcode one by one, but if you have a long list then those websites are not helpful. I generated 500 barcodes today and found it very easy & time saving, that’s why I am […]
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In this blog you will learn how to add Alam input tags jQuery plugin in your html, php or .net web pages, there are other similar plugins available but this one is simple and having almost all required features. This plugin can be used with static array of JSON objects or you can also configure it with a URL from […]
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In this blog we will learn how to Generate free LetsEncrypt SSL Certificate on windows for differernt servers in very few and easy steps. But before generating lets us know about SSL Certificates. What is SSL? SSL stands for secure sockets layer, or in most simple words it encrypts and decrypts users data while communicating between server and user browser […]
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In This blog we will learn how to Connect C# applications with MS SQL Server Database using Active Directory user. Normally we make connection to MS SQL Server using SQL Server Authentication or Windows Authentication For SQL Server Authentication we have user in SQL Server it can be any username & password While for Windows Authentication your database must be […]
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In this blog you will learn step by step how to configure HTTPS using SSL certificate on WAMP local server at any of your project. Here you will also learn how to serve your local websites with domains names like project1.com project2.com or for detailed virtual-host configuration go to my another blog create-virtual-hosts-apache-wamp-xamp lets start HTTPS SSL configuration. Requirements […]
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