Today we will read how to connect to MS SQL Server using PHP. Normally PHP is bundled in an package having MySql as database all required dlls, extensions and libraries to connect to MySql Database with PHP. When we want to make connection with MS-Sql server we need few extra things like some extensions and a bit different code to […]
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How to GET Local LAN IP Address of user using PHP, Javascript, ASP.net. I have also written a blog how to get real public IP of user, but my current Application is intranet based so public IP for all clients is same that is So that is not enough to trace different activities by public IP, So we have […]
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Today I came across mysql transactions here we will learn (mysql transactions core php and cakephp). it is really very important and in most cases there is no alternative to it. Most of the time we have to insert, update and delete in multiple tables while performing single process. Do not consider this transaction the Bank transaction, this transaction is […]
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most of the time we get into some task which require longer than normal to complete execution due to long execution time it is hard to echo output instantly before the completion of execution, Normally when we write echo inside loop it echos it out after full page execution gets done. which does not look good when we are debugging […]
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When we install WAMP or XAMP for development purpose, it has one Virtual Host by default that is localhost. all projects or websites we create are sub-folders in that single Virtual Host.and can can only put our projects inside default folder www for WAMP and htdocs for XAMP.when we access our projects our urls are something like the following
1 2 3 |
localhost/project1 localhost/project2 localhost/project3 |
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like windows Environment Variables we have some variables at Apache/PHP level, there are some default Environment Variables while we can also set our custom variables according to need of our application. Scope wise these are Super Global Variables, although we can limit our custom vars to our application only we have discussed it step 4 below. Lets have a look […]
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Last week I wanted to switch my web hosting server, after getting my new hosting server the most difficult and time taking task was how to accurately and quickly copy files from old server to new server. Normally we upload and download our website files to/from server using some FTP client like filezilla or fireFTP etc, but when we want […]
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To demonstrate Ajax based form submission without refreshing the page contact form will be best and easy example as it has few and general input fields, moreover we can make it more secure implementing captcha etc. Before starting download this github zip file containing all the coding for this project, you will need font file while doing yourself along with […]
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Most of the time while developing e-commerce applications we need to generate Bar Code for items we are selling, we need to create a script which can generate bar codes for all items or products, most commonly it holds item number which is primary key of that item in our database, but we can also store other information too. I […]
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In this article your will learn how to generate QR Code easily with PHP. In today’s era where most of the technology running over mobile devices, reading long URL, email or other strings to send to some one else is difficult, that’s why we use QR Codes, as it is machine readable it can not be read by humans normally. […]
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