To demonstrate Ajax based form submission without refreshing the page contact form will be best and easy example as it has few and general input fields, moreover we can make it more secure implementing captcha etc. Before starting download this github zip file containing all the coding for this project, you will need font file while doing yourself along with […]
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Most of the time while developing e-commerce applications we need to generate Bar Code for items we are selling, we need to create a script which can generate bar codes for all items or products, most commonly it holds item number which is primary key of that item in our database, but we can also store other information too. I […]
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In this article your will learn how to generate QR Code easily with PHP. In today’s era where most of the technology running over mobile devices, reading long URL, email or other strings to send to some one else is difficult, that’s why we use QR Codes, as it is machine readable it can not be read by humans normally. […]
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I saw many companies almost 99% of companies ranges from 5 to 50 employees have issue of slow internet, even if they install multiple internet connection of higher speed and bandwidth but still they are not confirm that they will have good network for their upcoming remote meeting. Reasons of slow internet There may be many reasons I will list […]
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Here in this article we will learn Step by step JQuery Ajax file upload with progress bar along with running demo. now a days as websites are made advanced most of the things are being performed by ajax, file upload can also be performed via ajax as background process, not only that we can get continuous status of upload and […]
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While looking for good job its obvious that you must have a good looking, attractive and professional CV or resume it will be better if you can put it online so that people can access updated information easily any time from any where. Most of employers want you to apply for their job with CV in PDF format while some […]
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Speed up windows by preventing startup programs, Most of the time when we install some software or utility it puts an entry in registry to run that software on windows startup, This means regardless of our need and permission each time we turns on our computer, these software automatically runs. which results in poor performance bot at start up and […]
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Here in this article I will show you How to preview image before uploading with Jquery few line of code. It is best practice to preview image to user he has selected, it will avoid user mistakes of selecting different image and visually it looks good. Basically we will have to write our code on Change event of file input. […]
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Change domain name without loosing SEO rankings at Google, I changed codingsips.alampk.com to www.codingsips.com, Here in this article I will explain how can we change domain name and update google about our domain name change so that we do not loose our indexes at google it is easy and need less and easy requirements. How to change domain name without […]
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Sometime small things takes days of developers like using fontawsome took me about a full day while using it in rtl direction. Here is an easy fix for fontawsome on rtl layout or rtl direction like arabic, urdu, farsi, pashto etc. normally we use fontawsome on default direction which is ltr which works fine and looks very good but when […]
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